Stara Boleslav Primary School

The new primary school in Stará Boleslav represents a unique opportunity to design a building that will not only provide space for education for 1 000 children but will also contribute to the social, cultural and sports life of the town.

The program has been carefully calibrated and distributed in four independent main volumes aligned with the principal directions of the existing built fabric. Each volume has its own materiality and identity. They are interconnected, overlapping and bound together by a central atrium, creating a dynamic spatial experience as well as ease of access. The design utilizes a flexible approach that can be adapted to future needs of the school and its students.

A public park and paths run along the school campus, independently, with access overlapping after school hours.

The new school building acts as an attractor for the entire town, a meeting point for all generations. The architectural design considers the new Starà Boleslav Primary School a community center, a place that will be alive independently from the school schedule. A place for education, sports, leisure, and culture - a place to gather.

In collaboration with UP4 Studio - Alessandro Macaluso.

Location: Stará Boleslav, Czechia
Size: 14 200 sq m
Status: Competition Entry


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